In the absence of a Dating App, how do you find the Perfect Partner….?
In the absence of a Dating App, how do you find the Perfect Partner….?

The Apps Store is full of opportunities to meet your perfect partner – Academic Singles will apparently find you the perfect university-educated person of your dreams, Silver Singles will cater for the more mature subscriber; there are LGBTQ+ apps, female-focussed apps, apps that will have you swiping left or right; others that use complex algorithms that will “definitely” find the right person for you. What is clear is that there are a lot of companies vying for your attention (and cash) and none of them work for everyone. Finding a suitable partner is apparently not as simple as they might suggest!
So if you are a company looking to work with another, and given there are no “company dating apps” that we are aware of, how do you know which ones are the best ones and which, to put it bluntly, are wasting your time, money and effort? Or to use the dating vernacular, which ones should you be swiping left and which ones right?
According to, a good dating site must be credible, safe and enjoy a good reputation. Given a partnership between two companies is unlikely to be lifelong, would those criteria still stand?
Company Partnerships
Perhaps we need to look at what the two “partners” are expecting from a relationship. For company A, that makes a product of interest, perhaps it is looking for a partner that can help bring the product to market, or need funds to get its product through a regulatory process so it can go on the market. In which case they will be looking for a credible, financially sound (or “safe”) partner, preferably with a good track record of success.
For company B, that is interested in the product that company A makes, they may be looking for a credible company to work with, that understands both the positives and the pitfalls of their product. They might be interested in not just one product but also the R&D pipeline that company A is working on. They may want to buy the product, or indeed the company, but frequently, they will initially want to work with the company in a partnership. The relationship is therefore very important.
The AlphaBio Approach
For a company such as AlphaBio Control, partnerships are incredibly important; it does not have an obvious route to market for its products, and therefore has to work with other companies (or “partners”) to make them available to farmers and growers.
AlphaBio’s flagship product is FLiPPER®, an innovative, low environmental impact bioinsecticide derived from olive oil. Having invented the product, the company has taken it through the regulatory approval process, giving the product and therefore the company a high degree of credibility. It has a pipeline of new products coming through and a recent partnership with Versalis means that it now has a second product, MiSSiTO®, a bioherbicide derived from sunflower oil, on the market.
However, the company has invested further into making its partnerships work by backing its robust and trailblazing science with a wealth of technical experience to ensure their products work. AlphaBio has a Market and Technical Development Team dedicated to working with partners, distributors, farmers and growers, monitoring field trials and ensuring that its products are used in the best possible way to maximise their efficacy and minimise their environmental impact.
Being the Best Partner
Being the best partner therefore takes more than credibility; that happens with a reputation built on excellent science, an interesting portfolio, an ability to bring a product safely through regulatory approval, and then a commitment to supporting its products, and its partners, in the marketplace from a technical perspective.
So no dating apps for companies where you can swipe left or right, but perhaps looking at what added value a potential partner is prepared to bring to the partnership will result in the perfect match.